Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How to Last Like a Porn Star - Reverse Kegel Exercises For Men

Apparently over 30 percent of men want to be able to have sex for longer at least some of the time. Knowing how to last like a porn star; to be able to quit when ever you want to and keep going at will is the long held dream of so many guys.

So why can't more of us do it? Is there a hidden technique that the professionals know that us mere mortals haven't heard of? Astonishingly, it appears there is. new investigate has indicated that weak Pc muscles may be responsible for so much misery.

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The pelvic floor muscles are responsible for controlling lots of functions "down there". You can feel them work if you halt the flow of urine midstream. They have been liked with erections the prostate and even the testicles.

How to Last Like a Porn Star - Reverse Kegel Exercises For Men

Regular kegel exercises focus on strengthening one set of muscles in the area. But they are only half the story. Much like the bicep and triceps, there are opposing muscles in this area as well. Many experts think that if you improve only one set, you run the risk of an imbalance which can make problems such as incontinence or premature ejaculation revel themselves or come to be even worse.

So how do you go about performing strengthening exercises? Well lets return to the toilet. The first step is to recognize the muscles involved. Take a leak, but stop half way. Those muscles activated are you quarterly kegel targets. Now start again but try to push the stream out as hard as you can. You've just performed a reverse kegel.

Now that you know what you're doing, it's time to practice. Focus on the muscles to stop the flow, kick off and hold for 10 seconds. Now do the opposite, but hold for the same duration. Repeat 10 times.

If you want to see a valuable dissimilarity you should aim to do these activities at least 3 times a day to begin with. You can do them anywhere, while driving, walking or having lunch. Even while watching Tv.

Build up till you're performing them 10 times a day. Male porn stars have been found to have incredibly strong and well conditioned Pc muscles. They may have developed theirs by luck, but you can work on yours and get the same great effect. Reverse kegels may just be the hidden for how to last like a porn star.

How to Last Like a Porn Star - Reverse Kegel Exercises For Men

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