Sunday, September 30, 2012

Penis increase Stories

Health Mens Story >>>

You hear of men attempting to get a larger penis by a variety of methods. Most of the time there are no penis increase stories to ensue because most of them didn't get any results.

But what about the real penis increase stories? The one's where guys in effect gained added size? Here are the most coarse increase stories I hear:

Health Mens Story

1. "I added noticeable size"

This is a coarse penis increase story from men who performed penis exercise methods to increase their size. It in effect does work (the exercises) but here's the thing: while they did gain some size, they could have gained much, much more.

But the coarse "I gained noticeable size" story goes something like this: they tried the exercises out for a few weeks and gained a bit. But then they got lazy or things came up and they stopped being consistent about it. So basically while they we're pretty happy about their gain, they in effect robbed themselves of further gains and further stories by stopping the exercises too soon.

2. "Bigger than average"

Now here's the other penis increase story I hear about. This reaction comes after a few months or so when the guy realizes that the exercises are in effect working and he's added size and is chronic to see gains.

This is the excitement that takes place once you get over that first "noticeable gain" hump and start seeing some major size increases. The story goes something like this: they were doing the exercises, started to see gains, and then one week they in effect began taking consideration that they were substantially larger than ever before, and even bigger than average.

Penis increase Stories

Do Tall Men Have Bigger (Longer) Penises Than Shorter Men? - Penis Size Mysteries Explained

Health Mens Story >>>

Some people believe you that you can judge a man's penis size by his height, hand size, and foot size. That is, the principles that the bigger the hands and feet of a man are, and the taller a man is, is directly connected to the size of his penis; in that the penis will be larger with men who have large hands, large feet, and increased body length. In fact, some women categorically swear by such methods and use it as a metric to "measure up" a inherent man.

While in some cases a man with exceptionally big hands might have a larger penis, this is more occasion than based on genetic data. The same goes for foot size. Thanks to a scientific study which examined the correlation in the middle of foot size and penis size, we can rule either or not a taller man will likely have a longer penis.

Health Mens Story

A British scientific study (performed by the British Urological Society), in 2002, was carried out to get to the root of such beliefs. In this comparative study of men, they found that there was no link in the middle of the size of a man's feet and the size of his penis. In other words, if a man had huge feet, this did not indicate he would have a large penis. Nor did it show that if a man had smaller feet, that he had a smaller penis.

Under most genetic conditions, foot size is relative to height. Which is to say that the body does its best to generate a human frame that will be biomechanically stable. This means, again, under general genetic influences without any external/internal factors that might alter foot or height, that a man who is tall will typically have larger feet than a man who is shorter.

The think for this is that the feet are the very foundation (platform) that is utilized to anchor and stabilize the body in an axial plane when a man is in the erect (standing) posture. If the feet are not large enough to counter-balance and stabilize the gravitational influences through the axial plane, the man will have to exert vast unconscious muscular contraction to keep the body from falling over. This will overtax the muscular principles and expend (and waste) too much energy.

This is why taller people typical have larger feet. It is mom Nature's way of balancing out the taller frame to ensure that it (the frame of the body) has a large enough foundation (the feet) to allow a human to stand without having to continually covenant muscles to keep the body from falling over.

Now, since we know that there is no connection in the middle of the size of a man's feet and the size of a man's penis, we can apply this fact to comprehend that there is no biological connection in the middle of a taller man having a taller penis versus a smaller man having a smaller penis.

Because the penis is not part of the mechanics of posture to ensure that a man has the most sufficient establish for stability (when standing, walking, running, etc.) there would be no biological think for a man's penis to have any relation to muscular and skeletal size, design, or strength.

So, unfortunately for women and tall men, and fortunately for shorter men, a man's penis size cannot be gauged by examining his height. However, for women, it is fun to imagine what size of a penis a man may categorically have while he is clothed. It's part of the fun, mystery, and inherent surprise that awaits a woman who finally gets to unwrap her man for the first time.

Do Tall Men Have Bigger (Longer) Penises Than Shorter Men? - Penis Size Mysteries Explained

Men's condition Issues - A Global Concern

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Biological make-up and dissimilar character traits spell the incompatibility in the middle of men and women. As although men tend to have more physical endurance and capacity than women, men have the tendency to neglect their bodies and consequently, their health. The male-female life expectancy gap may have decreased, but it is still a fact that men need to pay more attention to their health. Men are often at a disadvantage in some respects about health issues. Men are more inclined to smoke and drink than women. They tend to be more prone to work associated stress as they often define themselves by their careers.

Men's health issues are a global concern, and with the male to female ratio of 1:10, the male citizen is apparently lagging behind. Issues such as heart diseases, Std, erectile dysfunction, obesity, diabetes, prostate and colon cancer to name a few are rising to an alarming rate as men are becoming negligent of their health and are often more reluctant to seek medical advice. One of the base men's health issues is prostate cancer. This disease is a base word of mouth among men as it is becoming prevalent. Studies have once concluded that lean men are more inclined to invent prostate cancer than obese men.

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But up-to-date researches found the contrary as it was later discovered that obesity can growth the risk of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is harder to detect in the introductory stages among obese men until the disease becomes persisting and combative measures may be inefficient in the end. The best recourse for prostate cancer is still stoppage entailed by an obliging diet and a healthy lifestyle. Std's and Hiv/Aids are also two of the most alarming men's health issues. As some men tend to have complicated sexual partners without the use of condoms, men are ordinarily at risk for sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, herpes, syphilis and Hiv/Aids.

Men's health issues on Stds are becoming a major concern with the Hiv/Aids-afflicted ration on the rise. Obesity is also one of the widespread. ordinarily preoccupied with work and wedged to a sedentary lifestyle aggravated by smoking and drinking, men are also prone to obesity. As obesity consequently leads to other inauspicious health conditions such as heart diseases and diabetes, obesity is one of the men's health issues that should not be neglected. Posing men at a higher risk for heart failure, preventive and combative means must be undertaken for obesity. Erectile dysfunction is also one of the most covered men's health issues.

Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction can cause so much disappointment not only in sexual performance but in procreation as well. Erectile dysfunction as one of the men's health issues may have physiological or psychological causes or can be a manifestation of other health conditions such as diabetes. With the public and cultural expectation of men being breadwinners and having faultless accountability over their families as well as keeping up with expectations for masculinity, men are more prone to stress and to engage in unhealthy lifestyles. Men's health issues are concerns that men themselves should have the initiative to pay attention to.

With the critical imbalance on male-female ratio, it is no doubt that men's health issues are becoming a major concern. Men's health issues should be addressed to so as not to added deplete the male population. We all take measures to reserve diminishing flora and fauna. What more of the male species of the human race?

Men's condition Issues - A Global Concern

Mens Waist measurement Vital To condition

Health Mens >>>

If you're a man carrying a spare tire... Listen up. There are some impressive health benefits to be gained for holding mens waist measurements under control.

The experts suggest that just as you should be aware of your blood pressure numbers, your cholesterol, blood sugar levels and Bmi, men also should know their waist measurement as well. If you don't, it's time to find a tape measure and see just where you stand.

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In fact, this estimate may be a far good barometer of your comprehensive health than the estimate you see on the scale.

To measure your waistline the right way, wrap a flexible tape measure over your bare skin and let it sit at your natural waistline, just above your belly button. holding the tape measure firmly, without manufacture it too tight (or too loose) look at the estimate where the starting of the tape meets the end. No holding your breath until the measuring is finished. Now you've got a solid estimate on which to base your estimation of your comprehensive health.

For most men, a measure of 40 inches and over puts him at risk of some rather serious, life altering diseases. Even if he's not overweight agreeing to the scale, the waist measurement indicates that body fat is centered in the worst possible location.

We've talked before about how extra abdominal fat (compared to fat in other places of the body) is so troublesome. This visceral fat raises a man's risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and even some forms of cancer, not to mention addition the odds he'll die earlier than he should.

What can a man with a larger waistline do? Plenty...

- Eat a healthy, balanced diet, including lots of fruits, veggies and whole grains
- Cut your stress levels and actively carry on the stress you do have
- Limit your intake of alcohol, beer and hard liquor, though wine may be all right in moderation
- Be active normally - at a minimum 150 minutes of gently intense practice per week
- Get 7 to 9 hours of good potential sleep each night

Though we might wish for a magic bullet, special food, targeted practice or incommunicable method to get rid of that fat in your abdomen - there just isn't one, despite the ads and promises marketers would have you believe. Losing that beer belly or spare tire is simpler and less glamorous than that... Calling for patience and consistent effort to be successful.

You need to take in fewer fat than you burn on a quarterly basis. Once you start to lose weight, the good news is that mens' waist measurements normally start to decrease, as weight generally drops off the belly area first, and you'll end up losing more weight from your belly area if you stick to your weight loss plan. It seems that that visceral fat, being more metabolically active, is also easier to drop than the kind of fat found just under the skin, more so if you have more than your fair share.

Mens Waist measurement Vital To condition

Men's health - leading Reasons Why Mens health Should be Taken Seriously

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Mens condition is an important issue facing everyone today, not just men. It becomes increasingly important for men to take an active role in their condition as they age, as the older your are the more illness prone you become. The first step is to know that you're at risk, that way you know what to look for. From heart disease and stroke to cancer, some things are determined no matter what you try to do to avoid them. Still, there are determined steps you can take to minimize your risk. Also, there are things you can do to catch potentially deadly illnesses (for example, prostate cancer) before they have a opening to design into something that can't be treated.

The first step, as any doctor will tell you, is to exercise and eat a permissible diet. Deep fried chicken wings and nachos are not items that a well balanced diet consists of, so try to eat more salads and lean protein. There are little substitutions you can make that can drastically improve mens health. The next time you go to the grocery store, instead of buying ground meat that is 15 percent fat choose a leaner version. It commonly doesn't cost much more than an extra dollar or so per pound and it's well worth the condition benefit. Also, instead of buying chicken that has the skin on it, choose the boneless, skinless kind. It's easier to cook and eat, plus you avoid a ton of extra calories and fat grams.

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Obviously, exercising commonly is going to have a huge impact on mens health. Quarterly check ups by a doctor are also legitimately important, as that's how you get screened for a lot of potential condition problems. Additionally, if you currently smoke or use smokeless tobacco, you should right on look into quitting. There are all kinds of programs that can help you kick the habit, together with online and in man withhold groups and nicotine chewing gum and patches.

Men's health - leading Reasons Why Mens health Should be Taken Seriously

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sexual condition For Men Over 50 - Keep the Passion Alive

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After 50, how can you pronounce a satisfying sex life Naturally?

Many couples want to know how to get back to the sexual arousal and activity levels they experienced in their 20s, 30s and early 40s. When confronted with these physical and emotional changes, you may feel as ill-prepared and awkward about sex as you did while your first sexual experiences.

Health Mens

The baby boomers are whether in or getting close to the age when their bodies' hormones change. They will feel less sexual desires because their testosterone and libido levels have dropped. The terms used for these conditions are Impotency or Erectile Dysfunction. In fact, many men experience erectile difficulties as they age, in which they have mystery attaining or maintaining an erection. This is because circulation and blood flow to the genitals can decrease as part of the natural aging process. Pde5 inhibitors like Viagra and Cialis can only address the physical - the blood flow to the genitals and thus help with erectile concerns, but they will not restore the passion like a good herbal supplement can.

The best news is that you don't have to be burdened by the labels of being one of those suffering from Impotency or Ed. You can get get the desire for sex back. Using natural herbal supplements you can obtain that passion you felt when you were in your youth.

Some herbs that will growth your Testosterone and Libido levels comprise Damiana, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng, and Saw Palmetto. Many of these herbs have been nearby for centuries and have been used to growth sexual desires.

Sexual condition For Men Over 50 - Keep the Passion Alive

condition Issues For Men That Can Make Sex Over 60 Difficult

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By the time a man is 60 years of age, his general level of sexual intercourse has dropped by half. This is based on the average peak from nearby 18 to 25 years of age for a general male. There are a variety of different health issues for men that can make thoughprovoking in sex after they are 60 years of age difficult.

There are both corporeal and mental problems for men that can make it difficult to get or declare an erection. Even if the problems starts out being corporeal in nature, it can soon turn into a psychological issue as well. This is because a man can feel inadequate when he can no longer fulfill this role. He may become angry, upset, and even emotionally withdrawn because of it.

Health Mens

Even during sexual excitement, he may be mental about it in the back of his mind. The anxiety of previously not being able to get or declare an erection can honestly influence a man. The fear of it happening again can honestly cause it to happen to the point where a man will avoid thoughprovoking in any type of intimacy that could lead to the woman wanting sexual intercourse to take place.

A male may find that various medications that have to be taken for healing problems can effect in erectile dysfunction. The is can be frustrating because in order to take care of a certain healing need they have to give up something that is giving them a great deal of pleasure. Taking the medication may only be temporary but if it is to be an ongoing need then it is more of a concern.

Sometimes the erectile dysfunction from the medications is a side effect that goes away as the body adjusts to it. Other times the doctor is going to need to adjust the dosage or even try out new medications. Many males don't want to share this question with their doctor though so they just stop taking their medication. That is honestly not a good explication for any male who is having problems with sex due to medication conditions as well as their age.

There are some wholesome issues for men that make sex after the age of 60 difficult that are more on the mental level than anything else. They may find they don't have the same defined look in their arms or abs that they once had. They may find it hard to believe a woman still wants to be with them sexually when they look like that.

Low self esteem is a major question for men with their unabridged corporeal appearance as they get older. The development of a beer gut or even the onset of going bald can all influence them. Do your best to remind yourself of your best qualities so you can focus on having a great time during sex and not your appearance.

Not all males over the age of 60 will have health issues that prevent them from having a happy sex life. However, since so many well it is a very important issue to address. They can become frustrated when they can no longer achieve sexually as they once did. It can create issues in their relationship too if their partner no longer feels desired or their sexual needs aren't being satisfied.

condition Issues For Men That Can Make Sex Over 60 Difficult

Men's condition and Lifestyle - Men's Aftershave

Health Mens >>>

Real men most by all means; of course take care of their skin. Grooming counts, whether your daily ride to work is in an elevator to the top of a skyscraper or on a horse heading out on the range. Men's aftershave works to close skin pores after a shave, but there's much more to it than that!

Unless you're Rip van Winkle, you've got to shave at some time or another. Aftershaves are formulated to get the skin back to general after the stress that a razor puts on it. Most aftershaves are some type of liquid-like a cologne splash-and yes, they do sting! They not only reduce pore size to protect your skin from external elements, they also inhibit the opening of infection.

Health Mens

To avoid the sting, many guys use Men's aftershaves in the form of lotion, powder, gel, or balm. But no matter what type you use, find one with a pleasant scent. And change up your aftershave from time to time, because what smells great for one opening doesn't always work for another.

Men's grooming issues have come a long way. It's no longer just a female thing to cleanse and exfoliate your skin regularly. Holding stock for this in the shower makes it easy to declare healthy looking, blemish-free skin. You also need to moisturize, to protect your any layers of skin, preferably something with a sun-protection factor (Spf). And finishing your routine with the right aftershave protects your skin from razor burn.

The first Men's aftershave recognized none of these issues-it was absolutely a splash-on made from rum-yes, alcoholic rum-and sometimes scented with berries. It was called Bay Rum, and it's still an immensely beloved scent in aftershave products today. Some men say that it's a spicy scent, with a hint of cloves, and absolutely not floral. You can never go wrong wearing a Bay Rum aftershave when you're meeting your fiancée's father at the Club. It portrays an aura of tradition and strength.

Another age-old but completely natural aftershave was witch hazel. It's absolutely a plant passage that offers an astringent, cooling supervene on the skin. You can still buy a witch-hazel aftershave that tightens up and cools the skin, even without much of a fragrance. But many of today's products offer so much more than that!

Many Men's aftershaves-astringents, balms, and other types-use a little menthol in the base. The most beloved scents have a little scent of menthol, sometimes tempered with twinges of lemon or lime. Something like this works great for a sports outing, whether you're playing or spectating.

Orange bloom oils are used in some Men's aftershaves today, and in the last few years it's a scent that turns women on. You can try Royall Mandarin. Other beloved fragrances are woodsy or herbal scents. Give Men's North Woods aftershave a try. Women also seem to love herbal blends or something with a touch of cinnamon or vanilla. Cool Water carries notes of mint, sandalwood, musk, rosemary, and orange. Ralph Lauren's Polo remains beloved with its crisp, clean scent.

Your body chemistry finally decides which Men's aftershave is right for you. Experiment a little with one or two from your drugstore shelf-because you don't have to spend a lot to smell nice-and also visit your local group store. You no longer have to put up with being sprayed by a cologne or aftershave demonstrator; pick up one of the cards ready on the varied counters, spritz it with whatever scent you're interested in trying, and if you like it, take it out for a spin.

Men's condition and Lifestyle - Men's Aftershave

Testosterone Shots - Benefits and Side Effects

Health Mens Story >>>

There is no way you can vocalize your uncut and sexual condition without optimum testosterone levels in your body. Testosterone is inseparable from men. It is what makes men what they are. Your aggressive behavior, sex drive, muscular and lean body etc., are all attributes of this notable male hormone. Not just this, it also influences your moods levels. No wonder, men with low testosterone come to be irritable and sense mood swings.

Testosterone shots or injections seem to be an easy solution to counter low testosterone levels in your body. It is leading to note that testosterone yield in your body begins slowing down at about 1-1.5% a year once you hit 30 and this results in a lot of body and behavioral changes in men.

Health Mens Story

Reduced energy, fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, weaker bones and osteoporosis, mood swings, sleeping difficulties etc., are some of the effects and symptoms of low testosterone in your body.

Testosterone shots or injections can boost your T-levels roughly immediately and most men love this immediate rush of testosterone. However, your T-levels begin declining 4-5 days after you have had those injections.

Not just this, such injections can be quite painful. In fact, most men article that this pain in the injection filed can last for weeks. There can be many other side effects that include:

gynecomastia or the abnormal growth of breast tissue water retention hair loss testicular atrophy etc.

Though increasing testosterone is a good idea to improve your uncut and sexual well being, it is equally leading to try and do it as simply as possible.

It is easy to understand that any synthetic hormone can upset your endocrine principles and lead to complications that are some times irreversible. Hence, you must try to elevate your T-levels as simply as possible.

Increasing Testosterone Naturally

Regular, short and intense workouts can give you the required testosterone boost. Not just this, such workouts can also ensure a surge in your Hgh levels and this can be a great way to fight and combat age effects.

After all, Hgh has been applauded as the Fountain of Youth.

One of the most leading things to keep in mind while trying to boost your T-levels is that you must try and reduce stress levels. Stress is a major inhibitive to your condition - both uncut and sexual. It increases the level of Cortisol in blood which inhibits testosterone production.

Cortisol is the hormone that your body produces in do or die situations. It is leading for survival but in such circumstances your body presumes that you do not need to furnish a hormone that is required for sex.

Some of the best ways to beat stress contain yoga, deep breathing exercises etc., A body massage is also a great way to relax.

Natural Testosterone Supplements

In increasing to the above, natural supplements can also be a great help. Such supplements are a perfect blend of herbs, amino acids and other nutrients that stimulate testosterone yield in your body.

Role of tribulus terrestris, long jack and l-arginine is well proven in testosterone enhancement. Other ingredients contain ginseng, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, acai berry etc.,

Some of the benefits of such supplements contain improved body composition, reduced fat, improved libido and harder erections, better mood and sleep capability etc.,

Good capability supplements are clinically beloved and do not have any side effects.

So, If You Want to Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally, Check out the Best Testosterone Supplement that has come to be a Big Hit with Men All Over the World.

Testosterone Shots - Benefits and Side Effects

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ways for Men Over 60 to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction

Health Mens Story >>>

As a man gets older the quality to get and to vocalize an erection can be harder. Some men find it just takes a bit more foreplay. They may also find they can't get a second erection soon after like they once could. This is general and most couples find it to be an issue they can really deal with. They are still able to have a very satisfying sex life in spite of such minor issues.

However, some males end up with what is know as erectile dysfunction. This can become a serious issue that affects the private both mentally and physically. At first they may only have the qoute once in a while. It can be embarrassing but couples can deal with it. The partner needs to be very encouraging and supportive so it won't become a thinking issue the next time sex is initiated.

Health Mens Story

For other men though erectile dysfunction can end up being a very serious problem. It can consequent in them becoming angry or upset. It can also lead to depression as many men do join together their manhood with their quality to have sexual intercourse. There are many reasons why a man may suffer from erectile dysfunction when they are 60 or older.

Medical concerns are the number one factor. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and even diabetes can all cause erectile dysfunction. Finding a professional about what is going on is very important. They can help designate medications that can help with the issue. Sometimes it turns out to be the medications that you are on that make it hard to get an erection. The physician can help to settle the cause and get the someone back on track.

Mentally a man can preclude himself from being able to get an erection. Issues about not being able to in the past can really cause a great deal of anxiety. Not feeling absorbing or worrying about being able to achieve can also be a problem. Talking to your partner about your fears can help to alleviate them.

Changing lifestyle habits can really make a variation too. Some men over 60 aren't able to get an erection due to heavily smoking or drinking. Working to get rid of these habits can help the issue of erectile dysfunction to take care of itself. Likewise, changing your diet and losing weight can be helpful as well.

There are some reasons why males over 60 years of age may be experiencing erectile dysfunction. Yet it doesn't have to mean the very end of your sexual lifestyle. There are ways to deal with it that can get you back on track again. Be willing to try separate things in order to get to the bottom of your problem.

One of the most frustrating things for men with erectile dysfunction is that it can take time to examine what is going to make a difference. You have to be willing to consequent the doctor's orders. You have to be open to trying a policy of action for a join of months and then exploring another one if that one wasn't sufficient for you.

Sex for men over 60 is still very prominent and it can be very fulfilling. Don't be afraid to look at your lifestyle to see where you can make changes. Go to a physician you can trust and you are comfortable with. This way you can share your feelings and examine what your options are for effectively dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Some of the separate treatments that a physician can offer include assorted medications. With advances in technology there are also implants that are surgically placed inside of the penis. Counseling can be very sufficient when the physician feels there may be a thinking link to the erectile dysfunction. Exploring the assorted options can help you to be able to get and vocalize an erection again like you did when you were younger.

Ways for Men Over 60 to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction

Penile rehabilitation - enhancing Male health After Prostate surgical operation

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What is Penile Rehabilitation?

Penile rehabilitation is a therapy designed to improve male health and encourage natural erectile and sexual functions. It's particularly useful for aging men and those who have had a prostatectomy or some other urological surgeries that work on on male virility - production it difficult or impossible to achieve a natural erection or remain sexually active.

Health Mens Story

The penile tissue designed for erections can become atrophied like other parts of the body that do not get quarterly use. For a man, this means softer erections and smaller wide size that are harder to maintain. With penile rehabilitation, discrete exercises and treatments are available to keep the blood flowing to all of the parts of the penis, expanding blood circulation and sensitivity for good male health even later in life.

A salutary man in his prime will usually have 4-7 erections per day, in varying degrees of size, distance of time, and firmness. These quarterly erections keep the penile tissues strong and working properly.

What kinds of penile rehabilitation treatments are available?

Drug Treatments - While not useful in the first 6 to 12 months after radical prostatectomy, drugs like sildenafil can help increase erections. However, this being the case, getting started with penile rehabilitation earlier using other methods is adored as it not only helps achieve faster results, it improves the effectiveness of such drugs. There are more considerations with drugs, for instance, the side effects and the former health conditions of a patient. For instance, users with diabetes, high blood pressure medicine, taking nitrates should not be using sildenafil. Some of the other options are safer and can be used for results in the first 6-12 months of penile rehabilitation.

Intraurethral Alprostadil (Muse) - practically 30 - 40% of all men have sexual advantage from Muse, an additional one drug treatment option where a small pellet is located inside about an inch or so into the male urethra, inducing an erection that lasts practically an hour for most men. Most doctors have seen good results from Alprostadil, with few side effects. Many men prefer alprostadil over injections, which can be intimidating or even frightening for some.

Inracavernous Injections - Injections are one of the most surefire ways to achieve an erection, boasting a success rate over 3 in 4 men, far excellent in results to other kinds of therapy. However, it is not as practical or ideal to inject directly into your genitals; this process takes great care in a clinic, and even those who positively do seek results at home must be instructed how to do so safely.

Vacuum Therapy gadget - A medical grade vacuum pump designed for Erectile Dysfunction is a uncomplicated tool requiring no drugs, injections, or intrauretheral absorption. For most men, it's the safest form while a relatively high success rate in achieving erections firm adequate for intercourse and can be the most thrifty long-term. With vacuum therapy, a cylinder is located over the penis and negative vacuum pressure is "pumped", pulling blood into the genitals. This increased blood flow causes a natural erection. With a vacuum therapy device, penile rehabilitation is a uncomplicated operation done multiple times a day to keep the male unit healthy:

The goal of the vacuum pump is therapy, not necessarily sex (although it is used for both.) Since with rehabilitation the goal is to achieve multiple erections, a tension ring is not primary for treatment. The vacuum cylinder is located nearby the male unit with the use of a water-based lubricant to help seal the edges. The gadget is pumped (or its vacuum is turned on), which pulls the air out of the cylinder and creates the pressure that draws the blood in. An erection is usually achieved over the policy of a couple minutes. Keep the pressure on the erection; at least for 30 seconds to give the circulation time to open up. Release the pressure and the erection will decrease in size. Wait until the penis is soft again. Steps 3 - 5 over a period of 5 to 10 minutes.

With any case of erectile dysfunction, it's best to consult a physician rather than self-diagnosing or seeking your own treatment options. Evidence is appearing more oftentimes with links of erectile dysfunction is a symptom for life-threatening heart disease, urological or neurological disorders. All the time seek the help of a physician before taking any kind of medications or supplements.

Penile rehabilitation - enhancing Male health After Prostate surgical operation

Penis Enlargement Success Stories - Men Who Have Made Their Penis Bigger Speak Up

Health Mens Story >>>

In this narrative we are going to study some of the importance of penis enlargement success stories that you will find online, and see why this should be a Huge component of your doeskin making process when selecting a product for enlargement. The easy truth is, as I'm sure you already Well aware, there are many Hypey, hyperbolic and overstated product promotions that make it Appear like everybody gets overwhelming results...but when the pedal hits the medal, put very Few real names or faces to their bold claims. So continue reading as I elaborate Why this should be an area of cooperation you Seek, before making a choice that will cost you time, power and exertion you can Never get back. Read on..:-)

Filed Under: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth is!

Health Mens Story

Any good enlargement product Should have a whole of certain testimonials attesting to the fact that the product or procedure worked as promise, and as Guaranteed if applicable. If there aren't should be Very implicated and naturally stay away. Of procedure a warrant is Also a mandatory component of the purchasing decision, but I still believe testimonials are the lifeblood of an spirited purchase, especially in today's transparent and highly regulated online transactional space. Remember, many of the clubs doing enterprise in the male enhancement products and services space will be Shut Down if they post Fake testimonials or product endorsements from users, and potentially could face criminal prosecution. So when I'm seeing at making a buying decision, I predicate some of my certainty on that very if my fellow men are getting the kind of highly desirable results I seek, and are willing to publicly proclaim as much...I can be highly certain that good gains are out there to be had!

Interestingly, I only bring this up (no pun intended..:-) as I was just reviewing a penis enlargement pill that person asked me to look at for them...and after reading all of the hype, it occurred to me that there was not One satisfied, impressed or Improved customer in any place on their site! If I was selling something similar, wouldn't you think that would be the first thing you'd want out front? I do...and that's why I said, Stay away!

Penis Enlargement Success Stories - Men Who Have Made Their Penis Bigger Speak Up

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Male Sexual health - growth Your Sex Drive plainly With These Foods and Supplements

Health Mens Story >>>

When you are tired and stressed it take its toll on your body and one of the first things to suffer is sexual health.

Here we will shape not only some natural supplements for male sexual health, but also the natural foods you can eat to make you feel healthier, happier and more sexual.

Health Mens Story

Your uncut condition affects sexual wellbeing!

When looking at male sexual condition it is not just a inquire of taking a few supplements and sex drive recovers.

You must see male sexual condition in terms of uncut body health, this means not just taking supplements, but eating foods to reduce stress first, then adding supplements to heighten your uncut mood.

Let's take foods first:

These foods will increase dopamine a chemical in the brain that will increase sex drive so eat them!

They are: Salmon, cottage cheese, steak and low fat yogurt

Salmon (and other oily fish such as mackerel and herring) are packed with Omega 3, which increases blood flow colse to the body and to the genitals and is vital for fighting impotence.

Cherries, raspberries, blackcurrants and aubergines are rich in anthocyanins an antioxidant that prevents fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels retention blood running smoothly.

This as we have said above in relation to salmon is crucial in avoiding the symptoms of impotence.

One mineral that is crucial to sex drive is Zinc, so make sure you get plentifulness of it from crab, multigrain bread, oysters, red meat and sardines.

Low levels of iron can also cause fatigue and kill sex drive, so eat plentifulness of lean red meat, dark turkey meat, chicken, eggs and oily fish; all of these are a good source of iron.

The above foods should be eaten in a diet that includes plentifulness of vegetables and fibre for uncut energy. These foods act as great stress busters and as a by-product heighten male sexual health.

Also keep in mind to cut down or stop taking alcohol or smoking, which are known sex drive killers

So how about some natural supplements to boost heighten male sexual health?

Here are three of the best

L argentine

This nutrient is highly important for peak make sexual condition and is probably the Best Supplement you can take for male sexual wellbeing.

Unlike many other supposed sex drive boosters; this one is medically proven to heighten sex drive in healthy males.

Current studies retain the use of argentine supplements to ensure that nitric oxide secretion is sufficient to keep blood flowing to the penis.

Nitric oxide scantness can stop the penis from becoming erect. A modern study showed an 80 percent revision in the erectile function of men who took 2.8 grams of argentine a day for two weeks.

Gingko Bilbao

It enhances blood flow and functions as an anti-oxidant in the body and is illustrious as a great all round supplement which has been known for centuries to increase sexual desire.


Korean Ginseng has been used in China as a sexual balancer and revitalizing tonic for thousands of years.

It is stimulating and restorative and helps heighten bodily and thinking energy, stamina, force and alertness as an adaptogen, it also helps you to combat physical, emotional stress and fatigue.

It has a normalizing corollary on hormone imbalances and increases metabolic rate and improves blood flow to the genitals.

We know stress and tiredness are sex drive killers so by your diet right and taking proven supplements to heighten your sexual mood, you will feel healthier and have a stronger sex drive

Male Sexual health - growth Your Sex Drive plainly With These Foods and Supplements

Unhappy Hour - My "Mens Health" Alcoholism, Addiction and Depression Story

Health Mens Story >>>

How much abuse can your body take? One man's journey to the depths of alcoholic addiction, and what it took for him to overcome it. Addiction and Alcoholism reduced him to a babbling wreck. A story of Alcoholism and it's effects on one man.

Friday, 17 march 2000. D-day and the sun was shining in Margate. My bedside clock said 5.15am and I was fully awake.

Health Mens Story

The night had passed like so many others in the last few months. Hours had gone by with me tossing and turning, waiting for dawn. I must've fallen into a deep sleep at some stage though, and was awoken with the sounds of the neighbourhood arrival to life. To say that I felt shit would be an understatement. My head, stomach and body in normal seemed to be on their own mission, face of my control. Experience had taught me to let the new day moderately sink in as I was in no state to do anyone else.

Margate was in the middle of a hot and balmy summer and my body was covered in sweat. Nausea overwhelmed me and my foresight blurred. Like everyone I had suffered illness in my lifetime, but this took the cake. How could one man feel so bad and yet still be alive? All I knew was that I had an additional one day to get straight through as best as I could.

Closing my eyes it took a lot of reasoning vigor to bring myself to face up to the reality of the position I had ended up in on this day. Today was the Big day: a day which, agreeing to everyone in my life, was going to end all this hassle. The only thing was, I wasn't so convinced. Margate secret Hospital awaited me at 5pm and 12 hours was a long time for somebody like me.

Luckily relief was only an arm's length away in the form of beer. An alkie all the time makes a plan. Rows and rows of empty beer bottles filled the space between my bed and the window, the evidence of weeks of drinking. There must have been 200 to 300 empty dops neatly lined up. Retreating to my bedroom was one of my actions to try and cover up the problem.

More importantly though, I all the time had way to the stuff at any time, day or night. Next to the bed were a few unopened ones which would see me straight through until I had to make my way to the office attached to my house. I reached over and grabbed a bottle and in a swift, practiced appeal twisted off the top. Sitting up in the bed I put the beer to my lips and started to drink. It tasted like mother's milk and two long gulps made short work of it. The effect was immediate. It had only been a consolidate of hours since my last drink, but even that short period of time had devastated my body. The very act of using alcohol seemed to relax both my body and troubled spirit. This was my own miracle cure. Not a favorite choice, but bloody sufficient in my opinion.

Putting the empty bottle back on the floor I returned to my resting position on the bed. The booze surged straight through my whole body I concluded my eyes and savoured the moment. The power of this damn stuff never failed to amaze me. A few minutes were all I needed to start to feel roughly human again. The nausea and terrible frailness that had gripped me from the instant I awoke lessened and my mind responded with silent and grateful thanks. Morning meal for Alan with a capital B!

My room alone was sufficient to drive any person to drink. I called it the Hole in Hell. The stench of human filth and stale beer was overwhelming. Who could blame Mary, my wife, for attractive out. I spent my time alone on a duplicate bed, King of a castle that nobody in their right mind would be caught in, made tolerable for me by a habit that had driven me here to start with. Was I bitter, angry, resentful? Not anymore. Those were questions for which I had no answers. Could I blame somebody or something for this? Probably. My mother, my wife, my boss, my neighbour. What the heck how about the guy in the bottle store? Now there was a good target. A few more drinks and maybe I'd storm in and punch his lights out. That made me smile.

Anyway, sufficient pondering and time for an additional one beer. If I was going to make it to the hospital I had to get seriously tanked up. The second beer went down like the first, speedily and gratefully received. A few weeks earlier I would have got up after a consolidate of dops and gone straight through to the office. At least then I had way to cold beers from the fridge. Even an alcoholic is fussy and I drank warm ones only as a matter of convenience or desperation.

Unfortunately I now had to pace myself while the day as I was feeling extremely weak all the time. My enterprise only opened at 8am and I had only 20 metres to stumble to work. I tried to stay out of the way in the bedroom until I ran out of liquor and was forced to replenish my supplies from the fridge.

For some reckon the third beer of the day had lately taken on its own life and had come to be my 'Head in the Toilet Bowl' beer. My body had reached the end of its tolerance to the huge estimate of booze that I was pouring into it. The third beer would force me to the toilet where I'd throw up all I'd consumed. This usually left me lifeless on the floor, wondering what had hit
me. Sometimes Mary would hear the noise and come to help me she invariably found a broken man lying on the floor.

The Doc had spelled it out: "You're killing yourself Alan. Read my lips: your liver has had enough." Lying on the bed waiting for the third beer to not let me down, it occurred to me that a lot of well-meaning people had expressed their views about me and I had ignored all of them. Mary, my parents, brother, sister, friends, enterprise colleagues, doctors, psychologists. Even strangers had had their say.

The anger welled up inside. This was one part of Alan Butterworth gone horribly wrong. I never asked to be awake at six on a lovely Margate morning, waiting to be sick and craving something other people took for granted. It happened. Addiction and Alcoholism had done me in. The Anxiety of not gettong my daily fix was killing me. I was a case of Alcoholic Hell that you can end up in. I was not finding to blame, only to survive. I wanted to scream out loud that I was not that bad. I wanted to tell the world to forgive me, not condemn me all the time. For God's sake, I could be you. Or worse, you could be me. If this was the life of Alcoholism then I wanted out.

My pity-party was interrupted by a sudden need to rush to the toilet. I made it in time for once and vomited into the bowl. It was without fail getting worse and once again I ended up sitting on the bathroom floor wiping my face. Many times I didn't make it and had to throw up wherever I was standing. I struggled back to the bed and waited for the charge to pass.

I was in no doubt that the average alkie spent a lot more time dwelling on the question than was apparent to an outsider. We've all passed the guy in the road motherless on booze, or we know some guy in the office who seems drunk all the time. Let me tell you a secret: those very same people probably spend a whole lot of their day scheming and dreaming a way out of their living hell. But as much as I would have liked to lie on my bed and scheme the day away, my personal demon was not going to allow that. It was time to get up. Getting dressed was no question simply because I had not changed my clothes for six weeks, and slept in them as well. My shoes were old slip-ons which presented no hassles. The trick was to get up and get moving. Twenty metres to the office with a quick stop-over at the fridge for a cold beer, then into my seat in the office. Once there the world was my oyster.

My days of secret drinking had ended months earlier so I wasn't worried about Mary surprising me. I drank as principal now and piled the empties on my desk. Only later would the understanding occur to me about the damage I was doing the business. No doubt countless people had wandered in and been horrified at the sight of pile of empty bottles and the wreck slumped in his chair. Not that the wreck gave a damn. There were more leading things to attend to, like keeping the demon happy and the beers flowing.

The fourth beer broke my chain of understanding and I polished it off in one long gulp. What a great invention the fridge was. I was safe and satisfied as the liquid surged straight through me and calmed my mind and body. Mother's milk with a 5.5 percent alcohol content. My very own prescription, repeated whenever I felt the need. I even had my own barometer of how I felt. When I woke up this morning I would be at about two out of 10. Now I think I had hit about five. The best deal was sleep. It gave me a six or seven. The average? Probably about four.

This part of the day was my best time, alone in the office for at least an hour. In my bedroom I was all the time asleep or feeling bad. Here, after a few drinks I could sit back and relax with no pressure. No Experience with people meant no hassles. No questions and no answers to be given. Only me, my thoughts and my beers.

All that would turn at 8am as the day kicked into life. On a busy day a estimate of people could pass straight through the doors. For weeks I had been unable to cope with demands and requests that had not been a question before. Paranoia had crept into my psyche and I could feel people finding straight through me. To those who had known me for some time I must have been a real shock. The downfall of a respectable and customary local businessman before their very eyes.

Mary and I had met in 1992 and advanced a good relationship. We appeared busy every day but I had zero interest in it. I found more solace from the beer in my hand and those moments when I was alone with my thoughts. Those times gave me my lift in life.

The background noises in the house seemed to intensify and as usual I was starting to feel that the walls were conclusion in on me. There was half a beer left and I lit an additional one smoke. I was more or less sure that I had talked to Mary about going out to get some clothes for the hospital for my grand entrance. I had worn out all my clothes. I had also advanced severe fears about washing them, as well as myself, and the drinking question had not made that any easier to treat.

I looked like death yet still, something deep inside wanted me to be well understanding of. I stood up very slowly. "I'm off to the shops. I'll see you later." Much to my relief there was no rejoinder and I took that as approval. Maybe it was the silent prayer from everyone in the room that this would be my last excursion. Or maybe a terrible weariness that prevented any meaningful reply. Whatever, I took this as my cue and headed for the carport and the car.

They had tried undoubtedly all to encourage me not to drive but I had held out to the end on this issue. The car was my passport to a relative freedom. It enabled me to go out and buy my beers and then pick my spot to drink them. Drunk or not, I realised the inherent terrible consequences of my drinking and driving. I knew only too well what risks I was taking. To this day I carried the scars and old wounds resulting from the battle between drinking and motor vehicles. As a young man I had been lucky and yet I still pushed my luck. To me it was a calculated risk. I had long ago reasoned that if it was a selection between risking my life and that of others, and not being able to get my 'fix', then there was no choice. Very selfish, uncaring logic, but for me, as I was now, a total necessity. I believed that I could drive reasonably well, even under the influence.

Priority estimate one was to get to a bottle store and buy some pots. Even after a few minutes without a drink I could feel the nerves calling out for some liquid. Bastards, they never left me alone. There was a time when I could go for hours without a drink but that was history.

I had three bottle stores that I frequented and I was heading for one of these. We live in a quiet suburb of Margate and I had a five-minute drive before running into any traffic. I knew the area

like the back of my hand and as a effect I could stay off the main roads as much as inherent and avoid the local traffic cops.

I found the trick was to drive slowly. Luck had undoubtedly been on my side, especially in the last consolidate of years. I had never been stopped in a roadblock, let alone tested.

One advantage of Manaba Beach shopping centre was the fact that there were no car guards to deal with. Nothing personal, but I didn't need to be finding for turn on my return. That would only add to the list of things to do and right now I was starting to feel bad.

As I parked, one of my attacks started. The sweat poured off me while terrible cramps hit my stomach. I rested my head on the steering wheel and waited for it to pass. Sometimes they came and went in a consolidate of minutes. This time I realised that I was in trouble. I urgently needed a dop and felt unable to walk. The bottle store was only 50 metres away, but it might as well have been on the moon. I flung the door open and vomited all over the tarmac. Luckily I was facing away from the shop entrances and this event went unnoticed.

After retching for a petite I slumped in the car seat. Tears filled my eyes and the urge to cry out overwhelmed me. My Addiction and Alcoholism was like a living nightmare. The Anxiety of my every waking moment was too much too stand any more. I was turning into a prime case of Alcoholic suicide. My hands were gripping the steering wheel and I turned my head slightly to take in a breath of fresh air. finding out I watched normal life going on, people oblivious to my drama. Taking a deep breath I managed to get out of the car and take a good look at the scene in front of me. There were no cars parked between me and the bottle store so I had a clear path. I checked my pockets for money and found a R50 note which would get me 24 beers, more than sufficient to last until this evening. I walked very moderately and stared right ahead but after a few steps I had to stop and drop to my knees, resting my hands on the ground. Then I lay down. Turning on my back I looked up at the clear sky. Not a bad view. My mind was spinning but I had not lost my crisis to get to the bottle store. One beer and I would be okay. I summoned what was left of my vigor and got to my feet. If I was a typical example of Alcoholism, then fuck it.

The manageress and a guy behind a till were the only people in the shop and I made my way to the walk-in beer fridge at the back. Over the months they had got to know me well and no doubt had their own thoughts about me. But I was probably one of their best customers so they all the time treated me politely. They could not have failed to consideration the huge amounts of booze that I was buying.

As I made my way to the beer fridge the shop assistant appeared out of nowhere and greeted me. "Sawubona," he said. He seemed to stare right into my very soul. I wondered what was he thinking. He sometimes helped me to the car and today would be no different. No doubt I was a shock to him as well. Maybe I was too paranoid. Sure I was gaunt, filthy and sickly-looking but then maybe there were fullness of people like me arrival in and out of the bottle store every day. Maybe all that intrigued them was where the money was arrival from. That must be a strangeness as I looked like a typical down and out. Bugger it. Let them ponder.

The cold beer fridge revived me a petite and I all the time stayed a consolidate of minutes longer than necessary. I found my beer and asked the assistant to help me carry the case to the till. There I fumbled for the money and handed it over to the guy. He remained silent and passed me the turn which I gave to the assistant. He mumbled a quiet "Siyabonga," and carried the case to the car.

The prospect of a cold beer had greatly lifted my spirits and the walk back to the car was no problem. Once there I ripped open a plastic cover from the beers and twisted off the top and drained it in one easy action. It felt good. I grabbed an additional one and flopped into the driver's seat. The trip towards Margate was uneventful, but I was gasping for a beer by the time I pulled into my driveway.

Running our enterprise from home meant that there was all the time somebody in the office and this time was no exception. The trick now was to get my beers into the fridge without attracting too much attention, but the internal carport door led off the office. So I just went for it. Even now I still resented people questioning my actions. I felt no need to take other people's feelings into account. I was totally self-absorbed in my own misery and my own personal struggle just to get straight through the days and nights.

I felt that I had no selection any more. The liquor consumed all my reasoning and corporeal energy. The people who came and went in my life saw me as a babbling wreck. I comforted myself with the understanding that they should see me when I was deprived of my beers.

I stopped at the fridge long sufficient to sink a cold one and then walked into the office. My entrance went unnoticed and only Mary looked up and asked how I was feeling. Plonking myself down, I couldn't fail to consideration that it had turned into a lovely day.

I was oblivious to the chatter going on around me. By now it was base knowledge that I was 'not well' and most people who had quarterly dealings with me were diplomatic and implicated in my company. They had seen me turn from a customary and respected businessman into what I was now. My self-esteem and confidence was at its bottom ever.

I had not bathed or showered for God knows how long and a shower was something I had been planning for a consolidate of days. At least today I would roughly smell like a normal human being. Peeling off the filthy rags that I had been wearing for the last few weeks, I cautiously stepped under the stream of water. I had settled a beer just face the shower and for the time being was article to just stand there and sip it. But that apparently innocent performance brought an immediate reaction from my beleaguered body and I vomited all over the shower floor. Even so, I began to laugh. It was a sight to behold, me, sitting on the shower floor, beer in hand, laughing like a crazy man as my vomit washed away. The laughter soon turned to tears and the joke was on me. What had turned me into this pitiful wreck? Why couldn't I empty the beer down the drain and start over? At that moment I knew deep down I needed help.

I am not an openly religious man, but I believe in a God of love and mercy. I was broken and scared. Scared of what lay ahead and whether I'd have the vigor to do the right thing.

The laughter turned to terrible sobbing.

For days I had promised myself that I would continue drinking until the very last inherent moment. I felt that the only way I would walk into that hospital was if I was thoroughly out of it.

The very understanding that my last beer was now becoming a reality was not one that had any great appeal to me. It seemed impossible that after all this time I would pass even 10 minutes without something that had come to be so much part of my life.

Once back at my desk, my eyes never left the clock. I had half a beer left on my desk and I found myself staring at it. After all the tears, screaming and drama, I needed all the inner vigor and decide that I could possibly muster. Grabbing the bottle, I pressed it moderately to my lips and let the last liquid slide down my throat, and for the next few seconds mumbled a silent prayer to whoever was out there and listening. Mary and my parents were standing now, aware of the turmoil that I was going through. They knew that they had to be strong for me. As drunk and confused as I was I could not resist picking up the empty beer bottle, giving it a kiss and shouting at the top of my voice, "Go to hell!"

A final goodbye, done in my own twisted way.

Two young nurses were waiting for me in the ward and I climbed into bed. It felt clean and fresh, a stark distinction to the way I had been living for the last few months. They immediately tried to insert a drip into my right arm but couldn't find a good vein. Most of my veins had started to collapse. Turning to my left arm, they pushed the drip in and out of me until they found a vein. Mary and my stepfather, Rudi, were at the bedside, reassuring me. I was close to tears and asked one of the nurses to let me go home. Of policy she was wiser than that and cracked a joke instead.

The doctor had explained that I would more or less be asleep for a week while the seclusion symptoms passed without causing me any pain or grief. Now that I was here, I needed to say something to my loved ones while I was still capable of speaking. My time had arrived and I was no longer frightened. "How long have I got? I want to say something." The nurse smiled. "About three minutes, Mr Butterworth." The tears streamed down my face and I remember Mary taking a step send towards me. "Please forgive me. I couldn't help it." She was talking to me, but I could no longer hear the words. It was time to sleep.

The morning after

It is roughly two years since my 'D-Day' in Margate and I can look back with some objectivity. My hospitalisation was merely the starting of my fight against alcoholism. I had won a battle but faced a greater threat the day to day mission of staying sober. This is undoubtedly what this disease is all about. Staying sober required every ounce of my reasoning and corporeal strength.

I moderately recovered physically, but the reasoning fight twice broke my spirit. On the last opportunity eight months ago, for reasons I cannot remember, I went out and sank a bottle of the hard stuff and was rushed into hospital for a stomach pump. I awoke the next morning in my own bed with undoubtedly no memory of the drama that I had caused. Once again my life was in turmoil and this was the closest time I came to losing Mary. I didn't need any other reckon not to drink again.

Like many alcoholics, I became depressed and took to designate pills to ease the pain. But the terrible cravings for alcohol continued. As I write today the cravings are still there only I can operate them.

Why am I an alcoholic? Am I an example of Alcoholism and what can go wrong? Who knows. Addiction of my mind and body had obviously nearly destroyed me. All I know is that the Anxiety of staying sober is one challenge that I will take on with my greatest inner strength. Medical science is divided on the reasons we can end up like I did. It could be genetic or it could be a personality trait. We could be descendents of alcoholic waywards. While there have been great advances in treating alcoholism, the best inherent cure is still total abstinence. Easier said than done. To even think about spending the rest of my life without a single drink is roughly too awful to contemplate. The only way is to take it day by day. We live in a world of alcohol, from the restaurants we eat in to the ads on Tv.

With the help of my loved ones, the caring Medical people and the power of prayer I would like to leave you with one thought: turn your greatest frailness into your greatest strength. You are not alone.

Unhappy Hour - My "Mens Health" Alcoholism, Addiction and Depression Story

Prostate Milking - condition Danger or the greatest Male Orgasm?

Health Mens Story >>>

Looking to increase your male orgasm intensity by 400% and have it last up to 5 minutes? If so, then prostate milking may be for you.

Prostate milking has precisely "exploded" into mainstream culture in the last few years as men are discovering the pleasure of looking out about their "male g-spot" and the potential health benefits from a prostate milking.

Health Mens Story

The prostate is a tiny gland found in men and is a essential part of their reproductive system. It is about the size of a walnut and is placed underneath the bladder and just in front of the rectum. Its function is to aid in the manu­facture of semen. Semen is the milky colored fluid that transports sperm from the testicles through your penis when you ejaculate.

While the prostate's former function is to help in the manufacturing of semen, it is also becoming known as a sexual gland for men. Typically we associate the penis as the only male sex organ but for many men the prostate is their key to sexual satisfaction. Not surprising, the prostate is swiftly becoming know as the "male g-spot". Men of all ages, races and sexual orientations are now learning about the sexual and health benefits linked with prostate milking.

Milking of the prostate gland is ordinarily safe for all healthy males, any way serious health dangers can effect in men with confident prostate and health conditions or even in men with healthy prostates if the prostate milking is performed incorrectly.

This course be carried out by your physician or healing practitioner as an sufficient rehabilitation for continuing prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia (Bph). This course can help to drain the very painful build up of seminal fluid in men with a chronically inflamed prostate. While beneficial for some individuals,prostate milking it is Not advisable for men with acute prostatitis as a prostate milking may for allow the prostate infection to spread to other parts of the body.

Other potential serious health dangers from male milking could be Fournier's gangrene, blood poisoning,the change of prostate cancer to other parts of the body or hemorrhoidal flare up.

One of the most leading area's of concern in doing a prostate massage yourself is to apply a minimum estimate of pressure. The maximum estimate of pressure you should apply would be equal to the estimate of pressure you would rub your eye with. Applying to much pressure during the milking could lead to some of the above mentioned health dangers.

If the prostate is full of fluid and stimulated through this contact it may cause you to ejaculate but with out the penis being aroused. These prostate orgasms are ordinarily much more intense and of considerably longer period than a approved ejaculation.

If you have any concerns about this type of performance make sure to consult your physician or healing practitioner before proceeding.

Prostate Milking - condition Danger or the greatest Male Orgasm?

Men's Facial Skin Care - reduce Skin blush

Health Mens Story >>>

Men are often enchanting about how to sacrifice skin redness. Shaving, harsh cleansers, wind damage and the sun are usually blamed for the problem. But, the fundamental cause is inflammation.

Many people think of inflammation as the swelling that occurs when they sprain an ankle. But, the skin's layers can also come to be inflamed. Sometimes, the inflammation is chronic.

Health Mens Story

Inflammation Signs

Pimples are a sign of inflammation deep within the skin's layers; in the pilosebaceous unit. That's a big word that we usually call a pore.

The hair-producing follicles are placed in the pilosebaceous unit. Below the follicle is a gland that produces sebum. people with oilier complexions are said to have immoderate sebum production. But, that's not the whole story.

If you wash your face too often or use a mass-produced shaving cream, you strip away the skin's sebum. This stimulates the gland to yield even more. The stimulation can also cause the gland to come to be inflamed.

Shaving Tips

Next thing you know, you have a pimple. If you have "shaving bumps", they are caused by the same kind of irritation.

You don't have to stop shaving to sacrifice skin redness, you just have to be more specific about your skincare products and succeed a good routine. Here's a recommend routine.

You will need to hang a mirror in the shower and have a new razor handy. Instead of using a mass-produced shaving cream, spend in a bottle of plain grape seed or olive oil.

Turn the shower on and let the bathroom steam up a bit. Let your skin digest the steam as you wash your hair and body. Do not use a cleanser on your face unless it is in effect necessary.

Use the olive or grape seed oil as a shaving lubricant and shave as you usually would, using the mirror in the shower. After you dry off, use a moisturizer designed to sacrifice skin redness caused by inflammation.

Moisturize - Key Tip

The moisturizer should contain witch hazel, because it has natural anti-inflammatory properties and will help preclude infections caused by shaving nicks or cuts. It will also help to heal abrasions or razor burns.

Not Just Any Moisturizer

It should also contain an ingredient called Functional Keratin. A protein complex that stops inflammation before it can start, Functional Keratin has proven to be beneficial for people with rosacea when it is used on a quarterly basis. It will also sacrifice skin redness caused by irritation or other kinds of inflammation.

Here is a Do Not Do Tip

Here's one more suggestion for your skincare routine. Do not exfoliate.
It seems that approximately every person is recommending exfoliation these days as a weekly treatment. First of all, there are no proven benefits of exfoliation. If you shave every day, you are exfoliating anyway.

Exfoliation can cause immoderate dryness, which in turn causes wrinkles. So, don't do it.

Facial Cleansing Mask - Very Smart Move

If you want to give yourself a real treat, use a deep cleansing mask on a quarterly basis. The better ones contain an ingredient called allantoin. It will also help to sacrifice skin redness. The preceding suggestions should have you finding your best in no time. Want more tips?

And now please visit the Facial Fluid website listed below for updated information on Men's Facial Skin Care.

Men's Facial Skin Care - reduce Skin blush

Benefits of Shaving Pubic Hair

Health Mens Story >>>

Imagine, you've got a hot date, you went for dinner maybe even a movie. She's gorgeous and seems to be giving you all the right signs. You go to her place and she invites you in... Score! Things start getting steamy and when she takes off her undies... An expansive bush, an out of operate growth of pubic hair!

Nasty huh? Well what about guys who have pubic hair? Will a girl think it's nasty too? Most of the times yes, women these days are more into guys that shave their pubic hair. Hundreds of porn movies and even mainstream marketing, show men hairless. The bushy chest and crotch isn't appealing any more. Now it's the clean, well shaved willy that gets her attention.

Health Mens Story

So why should we be willing to do so much for sex? Well it's not just all about sex, it's about our image as well. Yeah, I know that putting a blade on your house jewels isn't a nice feeling, but if done carefully and with commitment, you can get great results.

Get your optic inch! That's right, once you shave off your pubes, you will right away swear that you've got an inch or more down there! Not only is this great for your self esteem, but your bed partner will notice it as well.

More hygiene. Shaving off all that pubic hair will absolutely contribute to good hygiene down there. A man's privates is absolutely a focal point for heat, sweat and bacteria. So taking it off will make it easier to keep looking, smelling and feeling clean. Plus with so much hygiene what girl wouldn't want to get closer?

A woman's body is a playground of softness and smoothness, so don't you think she'll appreciate the same on you? Silky smooth "balls" request both by hand and oral affection. She's far more likely to play down there if she doesn't have to use a weed whacker to find it.

Ok, Ok so we've made pubic shaving seem like a dream task, with all the benefits. Now here is the down part, some habitancy experience moderate to intense itching the first join of days after shaving as the pubic hair grows back. Try your first shave on a weekend you avoid appealing nearby like ants in your pants on Monday. If your committed to keeping a clean area down there, the itching should decrease or stop if you continue to groom yourself frequently.

Benefits of Shaving Pubic Hair

Monday, September 24, 2012

Men's condition - Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

Health Mens Story >>>

Want a good body, good sex and good farranging health? Do your self " Penis hardness" test! Your penis is your barometer to your health. When your erection is hard steel, a rock hard - your life is good. The harder your erection, the healthier you are.

The researchers have made some foremost facts and links between your sexual activities with your health. If your blood vessels are elastic and healthy, your heart and brain will function well and have not strangeness in releasing nitric oxide thus your penis will hard like rock. Once you understand that your erection and health are connected, you shall start to take care of yourself.

Health Mens Story

Your penis erection is an early warning sign like the canary birds in coal mine that warn the unseen danger. When atherosclerosis develops, it starts to clog up in your tiny vessels found in your penis long before it shows up in coronary arteries of the heart and other blood vessels in your body. This is a serious warning and indicator of cardiovascular problem that may be developing.

To rule your inherent of heart and preclude erection problem, Steven Lamm, M.D. With Gerald Secor Couzens, advise these Penis Hardness factor Seft-Test in 3 steps.

Step 1# cusine Test - What you eat impacts how well you perform in bed.

What you shall do in this sexual cusine test are :

1. Cut back on portion size. Eat 10% less each meals or about 500 fat a day ( 3 days in a row ).

2. Sell out fatty foods and top saturated fat like egg yolks, butter, cream, fatty red meats, and coconut oils.

3. Eat nine serving of fruits and vegetables each day to lower your cholesterol level.
4. Drink black or green tea

5. Eat Spicy food

Step 2# Sexual Supplements

Take these supplement :

1. Phycnogenol to heighten blood flow to heart and penis

2. L-arginine to increase nitric oxide production which means good blood flow to your body and specially to your penis

3. Take 3 grams of fish-oil for vascular retain and protection.

4. Opcs ( Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ) to heighten the action of vitamin C and E for improved blood flow

5. Horny goat weed

Step 3# Sexual Fitness

The best way to heighten your erection hardness, whet sexual appetite, boost self-esteem, and increase sexual action is through regular bodily activity. Below are exercises you could do to increase your bodily fitness especially muscle complex in your love production activities.

1. Add more 5,000 steps to your daily hoofing

2. Add pushups, ab curls, and squats which enlarge your shoulder, chest, buttock and legs which are needed in your love making

3. Do cobra yoga move to relax your lower back, abdomen, hip and neck

4. Do stretching everyday

5. Do lunge

When you unblemished this program, you will categorically feel different. You will perform measurable changes in flexibility, strength, and hardness. Hardness is a lifestyle, not 96 hours' worth of quick changes. The idea is to feel good about yourself emotionally and physically always. It's a lifestyle decision.

Adapted from The Hardness Factor: How to perform Your Best health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age, by Steven Lamm, M.D., with Gerald Secor Couzens, (c) 2005 HarperCollins.

Men's condition - Penis Hardness Factor Self Test

condition Tips for Men Over 50

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Men over the age of 50 are still active and in their prime. But to profess and forestall the onset of illness and ailments, men should reconsider these tips once they reach this age:

• Go for a corporal exam annually. As your body ages, some corporal symptoms are also seen. You can discuss these with your doctor. Seek guidance on the medicine of minor ailments and steps on the arresting of other diseases such cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. Included in the corporal examination are disposition blood tests, urine and stool tests, and corporal tests like treadmill, Ecg, and lung x-rays.

Health Mens Story

• Have your blood examined. For blood tests, you should test for cholesterol levels. This can help you settle if you are eating right and if you have salutary habits. This can help you forestall the onset of hypertension or heart disease. Smokers and diabetics regularly have high cholesterol levels.

• Go for rectal and colon exam. Undergoing stool testing, colon testing, and rectal exam annually can be a great help in detecting the growth of polyps or cancer of the colon.

• regularly visit your dentist. These quarterly oral examinations can help in the early detection of tooth decay, disease of the gums, or oral cancer. Those with unhealthy habits like smoking, chewing of tobacco, and poor oral hygiene run the risk of many dental problems. Some studies propose that heart assault and stroke are closely connected with gum disease, so this is a serious matter.

• Have your eyes examined. The yearly examination of your eyes is very important as this can detect problems with your foresight such as glaucoma or the early onset of cataracts.

• Have your yearly prostate examination. Prostate exam is a very important test for men of age 40 and above. This can help in detecting prostate cancer early, which can give you a high percentage of survival.

• Visit a psychotherapist. Not for whatever else, men should visit a doctor to screen for depression. Your mental health is as important as your corporal health. Talking to a doctor can help you with basal depression or anxiety.

As with everything else, eating right along with having quarterly exercises are the most important ways to forestall diseases. Most importantly, these corporal examinations and salutary practices can go a long way in early detection and in the higher survival rate against diseases.

condition Tips for Men Over 50

Only For Men With a Short Penis

Health Mens Story >>>

In this article we are going to speak directly to men who have a short penis. As a man who has struggled personally with the deleterious effects of an undersized anatomy, I understand all too well the stigma, and varied side effects that a less than median anatomy can create. But there is hope - as many of you Already know, there are absolutely a wide variety and cross section of uncostly exercises and anatomical optimizations you can make right Now, to start to gain back much of what the luck of the draw has shorted you so far..:-) So if you are concerned in a larger and more robust manhood, continue reading as I cover them in short order. (no pun intended..;-)

Health Mens Story

Categorized: easy and Straightforward

I propose Most beginners start with easy pelvic muscle contractions to give your anatomy an immediate lift and discernible gains in rapid fire turn colse to time. These regularly entail naturally using your pelvic muscles to tense, lift and flex your penis perpendicularly to your abdomen, all whilst holding your "hands free" of the machinery! The benefits of this practice, in my humble opinion, are not only immediate, but you can absolutely Feel the attempt and understand How the physiological changes in your size are happening. One of the hardest hurdles to leap when you are just getting started on the enlargement path, is Intellectually insight and believing that what you are doing will work. This practice routine, when done in both it's first and more industrialized forms, gives you the encouragement to continue because you absolutely can conceptualize the process properly. (much the way you feel pushups burning the chest muscles, or sit ups the too will you feel the equal sensations here)

Remember, it's foremost to focus your efforts on realistic and attainable penis enlargement goals, and Not exotic, esoteric products and promises that naturally won't work. Male enhancement exercises work. They have for me, and they will for you. The only thing you need to do is get off the fence and prove it to yourself the very same way!

Only For Men With a Short Penis

Sexual Seduction Stories - come to be Phenomenally Seductive and Tell Your Own!

Health Mens Story >>>

In this record we are going to talk a dinky bit about the amazingly erotic power of slick plane stories of seduction...And how simply sharing a fantasy ( or two) can be incredibly erotic for a merge who needs a dinky help in amping up the eros a bit..:-) So if that is you, read on as we raise the temperature a few degrees!

If you are in a connection that has grown a bit stale in the bedroom and beyond, one of the easiest ways to "turn the heat" up a few notches is to share erotic adventures verbally...and then of course, taking that same journey together in a non-verbal setting..:-) Women, by and large, love erotic stories. They might not admit it, and might like more animated plot lines than our male counterparts..but a story of rich intimacy and erotic adventure is a Huge turn on, trust me! Men of course, as we All know - enjoy the same, just with a more dinky backstory..:-) The key is, if you want to certainly engage your partner - simply looking and sharing an equally as emotive middle ground and turning each other on!

Health Mens Story

Don't forget, as Valentines day approaches - Most population in a connection when surveyed, will admit to being bored in the romantic branch with their partner. Do not let this happen in Your relationship! communication as all the time is key. Find out what turns on your lover, and pull that love level to get their romantic juices flowing! It's easy - and the payoff is Well worth it, trust me on that!

Well, there you have it! Of policy there is all the time more...but the above is an easy and elegant start to sharing (and creating) your very own sexual seduction stories, and while they may not make any magazines..they will be Much more fun than reading, I promise!

Sexual Seduction Stories - come to be Phenomenally Seductive and Tell Your Own!

Men's condition - Correcting The Erection And studying How To Keep It

Health Mens Story >>>

Men's health is a very strong growing field. Yes, this is definitely a very good thing. A men's health health that I want to write about today is one that can can be improved. Have you heard this phrase before: A man who has a harder erection is a lot healthier. Your penis health should be very leading to you. Some of you tend to neglect this part by not taken care of your most significant organ. You should be production sure that you have a erection everyday. Are you?

Does your penis wake you up in the morning with a erection? There is something to be said about that if your penis greets you every morning. That is fantastic! This is a great gift that gives you satisfaction and you should take care of your penis. Look into retention and/or obtaining stronger erections in men's health.

Health Mens Story

Beware that diabetes, smoking, and obesity are some of the basis in the change of erection function. You need to see and feel what is going on. The other causes of erection problems can come from stress at work, in a difficult relationship, depression, alcohol, a corporeal injury or even a medication you may be taken. If you are on a medication, check with your physician about any side effects. You should also scrutinize your testicles at least once a month for any lumps or changes. If you do find any changes or lumps, then you need to make sure you consult with your doctor.
You also need to consult with your physician if you have tried any treatments for a few months and your symptoms have not improved.

Further erection problems can lead to a prostate infection.You should make sure you consult with your physician if you are experiencing any of the symptoms below.

A. Urgent need to urinate but you only pass small amounts of urine.

B. You feel a burning sensation when you urinate.

C. Pain in your lower back and the anus.

D. Pain while ejaculation and blood in semen.

Any of the above conditions ordinarily can be taken care of with antibiotics.

If you learn how to keep your prostate healthy you will all the time have good erections. Exercise, less caffeine and eating right would be a start. This will lead to a good body physic, growth circulation through the penis and good self esteem.

In men's health, healthy men have good erections with no problems. Your job is to avow good allembracing sexual health. Take the relax coming when it comes to production love. Take your time when it comes to foreplay. What's the big rush? Slow it down my man.

Penis rehearsal in penis health will all the time improve your penis. Watching what you eat will also keep your penis healthy and will erect the way it is suppose to. Great blood flow and circulation is the key to a healthy penis.Take care of it in order to avoid prostate problems later. When taking care of your penis, you will enjoy a long happy sex life regardless of what age you are. You did know that the erection does decrease with age. However, this does not have to happen to you if you take care of your penis. There are many products ready that can help you improve your erections. Work at having a healthy penis with stronger erections. Great sex can only come with great health. Get more proactive in men's health. Your health.

Men's condition - Correcting The Erection And studying How To Keep It